Friday, March 25, 2005

Q10: I swallowed it!

A 70-yr old woman presents with sudden choking sensation and painful swallowing after a meal.

What radiograph is this?

Describe the abnormality.

What is your diagnosis?


Anonymous said...

this is a lateral soft tissue neck xray. there appears to be a foreign body lodged in the patient's esophagus, probably her dentures.

Yoke-Yeow Yap said...

Correct. A soft tissue lateral neck X-ray. (You can tell by the clear outline of prevertebral soft tissue shadow seen here.)

The appearance of wires (radio-opaque) in the esophagus (behind tracheal gas column) AND in the oral cavity is a give-away.

Dentures they are. Only they may not be hers! Always check the mate/spouse's mouth if in doubt! ;)

Anonymous said...

It is situated at C6 & C7 levels, that is cricopharyngeal level and slightly below. If it is slightly higher, probably your anaethesist can remove it for you.

Anonymous said...

And remember to remove the lower denture before you attempt to retrieve the swallowed deture.