Monday, November 07, 2005

Q14: The ear that weeps

A 35yr-old man injured his right pinna in a fall 1 week ago and applied an antiseptic solution to his ear. Subsequently he developed this painless but itchy lesion.

Q1: Describe the lesion.

Q2: What is your diagnosis?

Q3: How will you treat this condition?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Q13: Whistling in the wind

A 25yo boy complaints of a whistling sound when he breathes. This is the naso-endoscopic picture of his nasal septum.

1. Describe the abnormalities seen.

2. What is your diagnosis?

3. What are the common risk factors underlying this problem?

4. How will you manage this case? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Q12: Trickling ear

Click to enlarge

This is the otoscopic view of the left ear of a 35yr-old man presenting with chronic ear muco-purulent discharge for the past 10yrs.

Q1: Describe the abnormalities seen.

Q2: What is the name of this condition?

Q3: Name three theories in the causation of this disease (pathogenesis).

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Q11: Hoarse voice, big heart

FNPLS view - click to enlarge Chest X-ray: Click to enlarge

A 16-yr old girl with chronic pulmonary hypertension presents with hoarseness of voice for 4 months' duration. Above is the view of her larynx through a flexible naso-pharyngo-laryngoscope and an accompanying chest X-ray.

Q1: Describe the abnormalities seen.

Q2: What is the diagnosis based on the laryngeal appearance?

Q3: From the chest X-ray, what do you think is the cause for this pathology?

Friday, March 25, 2005

Q10: I swallowed it!

A 70-yr old woman presents with sudden choking sensation and painful swallowing after a meal.

What radiograph is this?

Describe the abnormality.

What is your diagnosis?

Q9: External nose growth

A 60yr-old fisher-man presents with a growth over his nose of 3 months duration.

Describe the lesion.

Name three possible diagnoses.

What is the treatment?

Q8: Slap in the face

A 25yr-old lady alleged to be slapped on her right cheek by her husband.

This is the appearance of her right tympanic membrane.

Describe the appearance.

What is the name of this condition?

How would you treat it?

Monday, February 14, 2005

Q7: Cat bit your tongue?

This 13yr old boy has a swelling under his tongue that is causing him discomfort and difficulty in articulating.

What is your diagnosis?

What is the precursor to this lesion?

Q6: Mass around tracheostomy

This 60yr old gentleman had his larynx removed for laryngeal cancer. 6 months later, this swelling has appeared in close proximity to the tracheal stoma.

What is this condition known as?

What predisposes to this occurence?

What are treatment options for him?

Q5: What happened to my ear?

This 3yr old child was brought to the clinic. His parents are worried about the future.

What is this condition? What are associated disabilities?

How will you proceed in managing this child?

What will you counsel the parents about?

Q4: Painful eating

A 58-yr old lady complaints of pain during eating for the last 3 months.

Where is the lesion? Describe its appearance.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

What do you think could be predisposing factors to this condition in this patient?

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Q3: Painful swallowing

A 35-yr old Chinese man complaints of sharp pain in the throat on swallowing soonafter a hearty meal at Gurney Drive.

What do the neck X-rays suggest?

(Answer and revelatory photograph will be posted soon.)

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Q2: Nasal swellings

Nasal swellings Posted by Hello

A middle-aged gentleman presents with complete nasal obstruction and low grade fever for one week. This is a photograph of his nose.

What are the swellings seen in the nose?

What is the most common cause of this condition?

Q1: Nasal deformity

Nasal deformity Posted by Hello

This is a middle-aged construction worker who had a septal abscess drained 2 weeks prior to this photo. What type of deformity do you see in his external nose?

What could be other causes of this deformity?