Friday, March 25, 2005

Q8: Slap in the face

A 25yr-old lady alleged to be slapped on her right cheek by her husband.

This is the appearance of her right tympanic membrane.

Describe the appearance.

What is the name of this condition?

How would you treat it?


Anonymous said...

blod clot and discharge at the tympanic membrane
this is direct injury to tymapnic membrane cause perforation
give patient prophylatic antibiotics for direct trauma and antibiotics if infected

Anonymous said...

bluish discolouration of eardrum with erythema surrounding it- hemotympanum. treatment- myringotomy to drain the blood, then insertion of ventilation tube.

Yoke-Yeow Yap said...

Right on.


This is a sign of either skull base fractures (temporal) or ossicular chain dislocations.

Hemotympanum is treated conservatively as they resolve spontaneously within 6 weeks. Secondary infection will warrant antibiotics and myringotomy if there is severe pain.

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